
Each character has 5 abilities. The players together or the GM will determine the limitations for each RANK level. We include examples with each attribute example at the bottom. GM’s feel free to determine your own effects.
How smart, streetwise a hero is. It can be used to defend against mental attacks. Unless a mental attack/spell states there is no save, you may use your ability rank to defend against those attacks, instead of a power.
Feeble(Reads at 3rd grade level, reacts does not plan), Average(Reads at the High School Level, rudimentary plans), Proficient Heroic(College graduate level powers of deduction), Super-Heroric(Is a genius-Elon Musk), Demi-god(Super-genius -Einstein)
Used to determine which spells you are able to cast if you take the “Magic” power. How resistant you are to magic. May be used in any magical spells attack to defend unless the spell states it has no save.
Feeble(Little spell abilities), Average(fair defense to many magic attacks), Proficient Heroic(Proper resistance and a proper magician), Super-Heroric(comparable to Dr Strange), Demi-god(Dr. Fate, nuff said?)
This ability determines the weight of an abject they can carry. Used for punch attacks and kick attacks.
Feeble(Strength of a 12 year old boy), Average(Strength of an average man, can carry 100lbs with some effort), Proficient(A regular tough guy.) Heroic(Strength of a circus strong man.), Super-Heroric(Spiderman), Demi-god(Thor or the hulk)
Punching and kicking
The hero states she is going to PUNCH or KICK an opponent. Rolling percentile dice against her STRENGTHlike she would in a “Powers” roll.

Strength Damage
Feeble(1d4 HP damage), Average(1D6 HP damage), Superior(2D4 HP damage) Heroic(2D6 HP damage), Super-Heroric(3D6), Demi-god(4D6 HP damage, 5% to knockout.)
How dexterous you are as a hero.
Feeble(Stumbles all the time, stumbles on any Ability roll of100%), Average(Agility of average person, probably you! LOL), Superior(High School Gymnast) Heroic(The agility of a circus gymnast or olympic athlete.Dodge, Super-Heroric(dodge, disengages), Demi-god(Dodge, 1/2 move)
How fast a hero is.Is used to determine action order. When 2 characters are trying to be faster, the NPVs and Heros use opposed rolls. Which side is first to get 3 successes they either catch up or get away.At the super-heroic rank the hero may use speed as a defense against physical attacks., at demi-god rank they can use speed as a defense against magical attacks.
Feeble(they can move 5 feet each combat round), Average(10 feet.), Superior(15 feet) Heroic(20 feet,), Super-Heroric(May use speed instead of AGILITY for dodging physical attacks, 25 feet.), Demi-god(30 feet, may dodge magical attacks, may move 30 feet and do 1 STRENGTH attack at 1 rank higher than your current STRENGTH, Demi-god rank is tghe highest rank STRENGTH can achieve. May move when successful with defense). When target is in base to base contact and breaks away, the one left may take a free attack if their speed rank is equal or greater at half damage. At proficient rank if you only move half distance you can move and attack.

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